Holistic Health and Wellness

Brand Marketing

Holistic Health and Wellness Brand Marketing

  • Do you have that 'deer in headlights' look when you think of how to promote your business?

  • Do you get sweaty palms when you think about how to get more leads?

  • Do you talk a mile a minute to your friend when you are rationalizing your budget for using five different software programs?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you're on the right page!

Uprise Marketing Group can streamline your workflow, amplify your message, transform your expertise into captivating narratives and convert curious leads into your brand's loyal enthusiasts. Scroll on...


Nice to meet you! I'm Johanna Navari Welch. 👋🏼

Supporting people to live their best life and be the best version of themselves is at my heart center. I have a unique ability to envision concepts and craft ideas for my clients' business goals using my intuitive nature.

An eccentric mix of professional and personal endeavors from fashion to fitness to teaching to marketing to yoga to food to adventure create a secret sauce of skills that come to life when I take on a client project.

Nice to meet you!

I'm Johanna Navari Welch. 👋🏼

Supporting people to live their best life and be the best version of themselves is at my heart center. I have a unique ability to envision concepts and craft ideas for my clients' business goals using my intuitive nature.

An eccentric mix of professional and personal endeavors from fashion to teaching to marketing to yoga to food to adventure create a secret sauce of skills that come to life when I take on a client project.

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Let automation do the heavy lifting! Our marketing automations brings your campaigns to life with efficiency and style. Watch as your marketing transforms into a well-oiled, 24/7 engagement machine. Elevate your strategy and let the bots handle the rest!



Sales funnels, marketing funnels, fun-fun-funnels! Our funnel builds turn curious visitors into loyal customers. We're the architects of conversions, the builders of brand bridges, and the creators of compelling clicks.



Your brand deserves to shine! We splash personality onto pixels and breathe life into logos. From colors that pop to visuals that speak volumes, we elevate your identity with our brand design magic!



Navigating the digital landscape! From insight to execution, we craft strategies that ignite success. Your path to business growth and achieving your goals is through a well organized marketing strategy that we can deliver to you!



Crafting stories that sparkle! From concept to cover, we transform your expertise and ideas into captivating narratives, creating literary gems that not only promote your brand but also generate valuable customer leads.


Whether you're a...

  • Spa owner who wants a brand image makeover,

  • Fitness trainer who wants to generate more leads,

  • Wellness coach who wants to create an online presence, or

  • Holistic health practitioner who wants more time to be with clients...

We got you covered!

Uprise Marketing Group supports holistic health & wellness entrepreneurs with all aspects of brand marketing.

We design digital content marketing, build funnels and automation systems that grow your bottom line!

We thrive on client challenges...translating goals and ideas into captivating digital assets that create seamless end user experiences.

Our collaborative approach with clients ensures communication throughout the entire project, resulting in alignment with client expectations.

And then there's Maverick, our office mascot. Maverick encourages us to take brain breaks (for mutual benefit) and is a constant source of inspiration, reminding us that the best ideas come from playfulness!

Uprise Marketing Group Core Values are at the heart of our client relationships:

  • Uniqueness - We celebrate the quirks that make sure your brand stands out like a poppy in a field of dandelions.

  • Purpose - We guide you toward success with passion and clarity for your brand's journey.

  • Radiance - We make you and your brand shine like a disco ball at a cosmic party.

  • Integrity - We ensure that your brand's path is always paved with honesty, authenticity, and trustworthiness.

  • Systematic - We orchestrate the organized chaos, turning your marketing into a symphony that hits all the right notes.

  • Empower - We empower you to take the reins of your brand's destiny, transforming aspirations into achievements.



How long does a typical project take?

Every project is unique, and the timeline can vary depending on its complexity. However, we work diligently to ensure efficient and timely delivery. We'll discuss project timelines during our initial consultation to provide you with a clear estimate.

What is a sales funnel and how can it benefit my business?

A sales funnel is a strategic framework that guides potential customers through a journey, from initial awareness to making a purchase. It's designed to nurture leads and increase conversions. Sales funnels are powerful tools for automating marketing efforts and improving customer engagement. We'll explain how a sales funnel can specifically benefit your business during our consultation.

Do you offer custom branding packages?

Yes, we offer tailored branding solutions to meet your unique needs. Whether you're looking for a complete brand overhaul or specific design elements, we'll work closely with you to create a custom branding package that aligns with your vision and goals. Reach out to discuss your specific requirements and let's start shaping your brand's identity!

Johanna is brilliant and creative. We are thrilled she is part of our team. In one recent campaign, her strategy generated nearly 300 leads and over 20 new clients that month. Her knowledge of automation systems is incredible and when a challenge arises, she meets it head on resulting in an ingenious solution.

John 'Freeborn' Welch

Freeborn Fitness &

Holistic Healing

What I can tell you about Johanna and her services is professionalism! She is always prompt and passionate, wanting to understand her client and truly understand what they are trying to convey for an exceptional representation of the company or client she and her team is representing. I have complete trust on her ability to produce any media or image on website design and her QR code suggestion has really brought me to another level in my business. Thank you Johanna your exceptional at the Gift you provide . Truly~

DeeDee Dice

blondee Beauty Spa

I can’t thank Johanna enough for helping me create my digital funnel, email campaigns, and eBook. I am so grateful that she walked into my life at the perfect moment. She has offered me so many suggestions on how to promote my business and the finished product is professional, beautiful, and so very thoughtful!

Tina Lilly

The Budget Banker

Get In Touch

Jacksonville, FL, USA